There is the sale price part on the edit product page. It is read-only (titled “Sales rules“). The most recent sale price info is shown only (of multiple possible). Sale info includes status, date range and price.
The Sale status could be Active, Scheduled (will be activated according to start date) Expired, Manually Enabled and Manually disabled (the latest 2 ignore start and expiration dates).
There is “Add” link to see the list of all sale prices and add new sale prices.

There are 2 new restrictions on the sales: “Sell up to pcs.” total quantity of products which could be sold with this sale price (overall by all customers) and “Max in 1 order” max q-ty of products which could be sold by sale price in 1 order. If any limit is exceeded, the standard price will be applied. If the limitation is not required, then the fields should not be entered (or enter 0). Choose the required radio button to enable sales price according to the date range (active if no start date), force disable (sales price won’t be activated by date) and force enable (sales price won’t be deactivated by date). Enter the start and expiry dates for a sales price in the corresponding fields.

Sales tag depends on the site design and should not be changed if appropriate updates were not implemented in the design/layout.
Note: Read-only info on the edit product page is not updated in real time – if the new price was added, for example in popup, the edit product page needs to be reloaded to show changed data.
There is the report link which allows to filter stocktaking cost report by appropriate sale price.

The same sale price management options are available on the separate page: Admin > My Marketing Tools > Sales
You can filter products using the following filter options:
- search a product by its id, model, name, upc, ean, isbn
- search by sales tags
- filter by customer groups (main, advanced, basic)
- filter by date and price (from to)
Use quick search to search by name.
When working with products, you can add a new product, edit or delete the existing ones by clicking on the corresponding buttons.

While adding or editing a product, you can use the same options to set sale prices as on the edit product page.