While adding/editing products click on Marketing tab, then on Give-away tab. After give away is switched on and start and end dates (if the end date field is empty, this functionality will never expire) are filled in, you can set it up depending on the Order Total or Buy and Get Free options by clicking on the corresponding tabs and filling in the required fields. If you click on the Order Total tab, you can specify the order amount that needs to be paid in order to get a giveaway product, and in the Get for free field you can specify the number of giveaway products for this order amount.

If you click on Buy and Get Free tab, you can specify the required quantity that should be purchased in order to get a giveaway product, and in the Get for free field you can specify the number of giveaway products for this quantity. You can also enable/disable using free products in quantity discount by checking/unchecking the box next to it. It is possible to delete or add more such options by clicking on the corresponding trash icon and button.
If you move to My marketing tools and Give Away tabs, you can also work with giveaways.
Using the functionalities of this tab, you can add a new giveaway, filter, edit or delete the existing ones.

To add a new giveaway, click on the Add new button and select the required product.

The rest of the settings are the same as on the Marketing tab for adding/editing giveaway products, except for the option to select a group.